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Marketing Case Study - To Lordran We Go!

FromSoftware is not an extremely well known company, as for their slowly growing market is full of role-playing enthusiasts who are looking for a new world to explore. Who are they exactly? FromSoftware is a Japanese video game company founded back in November 1986. They are a video game publisher company, who has published hit titles such as the Armored Core series and the "Souls" series. And this company is gearing up for their next release, a remaster of their imperfect masterpiece. The announcement of their remaster has stirred the pot of fans that has only been growing ever since the release of their latest game from 2016, Dark Souls III. Beckoning gamers who may have never even touched one of their games before, and recalling veterans of the series to go back to what may have been their first souls game. To look back on the history of the souls series, we have to travel back to February of 2009. Demon Souls brought new meaning to what it meant to play a Role-Pl

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